
where personal intellectual property exists,
along with pilfered, shared, and
outright stolded (with no regerts!) memes
from across the Internet's social media cesspools

Time to get yer head outta yer ass, people!

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."
― Stephen Fry (2005)

Typical Resist Idiot

Current WTF

2020 Coronavirus Edition

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Nailed that...

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Dad must be a conservative...

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The other attempts weren't real martial law...

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Gubmit makin sure you got no balls...

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Curious how many even saw the headline on the left...27 Jan, 5 cases...

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Hands Down, comment of the Year!

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Worked at the Wuhan Lab
fact-checks for Facebook
primary duty, debunk any post
suggesting the virus
escaped Wuhan Lab

Memes I find too good not to share

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...always knew Knoppfler was a genius...

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Viva Corona!

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Too Soon?
Hell Naw!

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So. Fitting.

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TheBeaverton has a sense of humor...

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Yeah. Makes ya wonder...

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No words...

G'night Chesty, keep 'em safe out there.
Until Valhalla. Semper Fi.
Emblems of the Branches of US Military

Go read the Rants. They're as much fun.
Oh yeah...all I hear is guns-problem, guns-problem, guns-problem...curious when we start hearing people-problem, people-problem, people-problem...but, that would cause PTSD, because some people would have to admit the truth, so instead we concentrate our focus on inamimate objects. The best and brightest of academia, politics, and TV/Print/Radio/Digital/Social media all agree...

Inexpensive alternativedanhovis.com, always here for alternatives to expensive celebrity products...
keeping "generic" alive outside Big Pharma...
I wish I knew the author of this meme, I'd send them money...

FacePlant Notifications MemeI know the author of this meme...you're welcome to send money...lol


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